AFT064 Activated Sludge Process Vocational Training Equipment Didactic Thermal Transfer Didactic Equipment Activated Sludge Sewage Treatment Pilot Plant 1. General The activated sludge pilot allows the study and the comprehension of sewage treatment by activated sludge. This treatment is an intermediate stage between the physical treatments or gridiron, defoliation and primary sedimentation And the final sterilization and chlorination stage, in a sewage treatment station. Its purpose is to eliminate the contaminated Organic substances which are present in the sewage water after the above mentioned physical treatment.The organic load is measured in BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) unit and it also causes a partial elimination of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand). The conditioning process takes place in a tank where the organic load is removed by microorganism (bacteria, rotifera, vorticellae, etc.) which are cultivated under aerobic conditions by blowing in air or sometimes also pure oxygen. The micro-organisms utilize the contaminated substances as necessary food for their production and their preservation. The aspect for this mass of micro-organisms is that of sludge, from which we have taken the name of the Process. After the pollutant elimination phase it is necessary to divide the clarified water from the sludge, operation which is Carried out in the settling tank (stating separator).The clarified water flows down to the receiving body, or to a sterilization treatment, while the activated sludge is partially recycled within the oxidation tank in order to stabilize the elimination treatment.